Thank you for all your wonderful messages of support and we hope you are keeping well during this difficult time.
With your appointment postponed and the weeks passing by, you may be tempted to cover hair regrowth using box dye. However our message to you is embrace your roots!
Please don’t use box dye and these are the reasons why…
1. We don’t want you to do something that you may regret later!
2. It could end up costing you a lot more to have it corrected.
3. Everything we choose for your hair is specifically for you.
4. We consider your natural level of “black, dark brown, blonde” and we choose the hydro peroxide to achieve the correct levels of lift and coverage of white hair.
5. There is an undertone to your hair that we either enhance or neutralise, and we don’t always use the chosen colour to achieve the chosen colour!
There’s a lot of science behind colouring hair and it takes 3 years just to learn the basics! This is literally touching the surface without going into hair type, texture, sensitivity and elasticity.
We can recommend color wow root touch up, which covers regrowth and grey hair. This is available online at Marks & Spencer for £28.50 plus delivery. As this is not a permanent colour, it washes out and will not cause damage to your hair. Alternatively a scarf or baseball cap can be worn as a quick cover up, so hang on in there, we’ll be here when this is all over!
Keep your eyes open for our upcoming posts, as Des will be sharing some great tips and ideas on how to transform the condition of your hair while at home. We’ll also be in touch again soon with further details of our colour makeover competition.
Stay safe, love from
Des, Tracie and the FA Team xx